our statement of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion:

We stand with our partners in the music, art, education and nonprofit communities in denouncing prejudice and racial injustice, and call for the inherent dignity of all people. Musicians, artists and educators have long used their crafts as a means of rising up in the face of injustice, and this moment is no different. East Winds Music and Vibe of Portland are committed to understanding our inherent ‘blind spots,’ where we have been and are deficient. We are committed to learning how we can better support all in the community we serve including our students, families, and our teachers and staff – especially those communities and individuals who have historically been marginalized.



East Winds Music and Vibe of Portland fully support the following statement regarding inclusivity and diversity in music education from the national association for music education as follows:

A Position Statement of the National Association for Music Education

The study of music includes the study of the people, places, and cultures involved in its creation and performance. As our country becomes increasingly diverse, it is important for students in every school setting to study a wide variety of musical styles, cultures, and genres.  The 2014 National Music Standards embrace this holistic approach to the study of music, encouraging teachers and students to explore a variety of musical styles and music-making traditions from around the world. This goal will be better served when we recruit a more diverse teacher workforce that more closely resembles the diversity of the United States and our school populations.

This position statement addresses the need for music education programs in our nation’s schools to be inclusive of a variety of music making traditions and opportunities, as well as the importance of building a diverse music educator workforce to support music making by all. A companion statement on Access and Equity in Music Education addresses equitable access to music education for all students, so that students, regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, economic status, religious background, sexual orientation and identity, socioeconomic status, academic standing, exceptionalities, or musical abilities, can participate in the making of music within their schools.  (For a full statement see here: https://nafme.org/about/position-statements/inclusivity-diversity/ )

The position of the National association for music education

A well-rounded and comprehensive music education program, as envisioned in the 2014 National Music Standards, should exist in every American school; should be built on a curricular framework that promotes awareness of, respect for, and responsiveness to the variety and diversity of cultures; and should be delivered by teachers whose culturally responsive pedagogy enable them to successfully design and implement such an inclusive curricular framework.